Fashion Skincare

Is 30 minutes of sport a day enough to lose weight? Organic Basics discount code 10%

29 May 2020
vêtements sportifs Organic Basics

Do you love sports? I cannot live without sport ! I’ve been practicing lot of different sports since I was a kid. I’ve been practicing French boxing for several years in a boxing club in the Parisian region. This year, I participated in the boxing competition on Parisian region. Outside of boxing, and especially during this special quarantine period, I exercise at home everyday in order to stay…


I have tried English clean skincare brand Facetheory – my opinion about its REJUVENTATING SKINCARE GIFT SET

6 March 2020
soins visage facetheory

For the past three years, I’ve been turning to facials that are more natural, or even 100% natural and mostly certified organic. I often hear that natural skin care is not effective against aging. I don’t think it is true, I think that natural ingredients are the most effective! On the other hand, I’m convinced that their beneficial properties for the skin can be doubled by combining them…


Whamisa, clean and ORGANIC Korean skincare routine that you should try !

27 December 2019
Korean skincare routine

Those who read my blog regularly, know that a few months ago I tested a Korean beauty brand with quite luxury skincare products. Nevertheless, I was a bit disappointed by their products because I found in the INCI list some ingredients that I prefer to not use for my skincare routine (ingredients that can cause allergic reactions or acné). In my case, this cosmetic caused an acne flare-up…


I tried best French natural makeup brand Zao-makeup, here is my review with photos

1 August 2019
maquillage naturel zao make-up

I’m a real partisan of natural organic skincare and makeup products. On my blog, you will find many articles about different French, German, American green brands. This time, I have tried different products from French organic makeup brand Zao Make-up. In this article, you can watch my makeup video that I published on Youtube with this palette and read my review on the Clin D’oeil N2 palette. Today,…

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